Thursday, February 17, 2011

Toilet Training ... it continues

We seem to have made some progress it would seem. After taking a step backwards and not pushin Sophia, it seems she has started to decide (with my wifes help) to start using the dunny.

Last week Sophia decided that she wanted to be a baby - to the point that she actually spent one night back in the cot. That only lasted one night - she is too big for it and it was uncomfortable!! Anyway, my wife decided to try some reverse psychology on Sophia today and told that she is now going to be a baby forever, that she won;t be able to go to school, etc....

That seems to have struck a chord with Sophia - she went to the toilet 3 times today. Woohoo!!

Something else that we are trying is an achievement board. There are 69 sqaures on the boadr and every time Sophia does a wee she gets one sticker to place on the board. If she does a poo she gets two stickers. At various points there are 'Surprises' where she gets a...well.... surprise! 

I think this is working.

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